We had a beautiful sunny day, if a bit windy, for
our ugly sweater ride from No. Belgrade on Saturday. With all hands to
pitch in, we got a fire started at the lake and had some welcome hot
cocoa and marshmallows to finish off the last scheduled ride of the
season. Many thanks to Anne for leading, and to all of her
imaginatively dressed helpers. We are now in the "post-season" where we
may have some unscheduled rides to take advantage of favorable
conditions, such as sunny, calm days with temperatures in the 50s - such
as this coming Sunday! For those who aren't ready to pack things up
for 2024, we will meet in Wayne at the Elementary School at 11:00 am for
a 22-mile ride out to Leeds and Monmouth, with a possible stop at the
Apple Valley Bakery in Monmouth. See you then!
Sunday, November 17 - WAYNE
"Apple Valley Ride" - a tour around Wayne, Leeds, and Monmouth
START: 11:00 am at the Wayne Elementary School, 48 Pond Road, Wayne
DISTANCE: 22 miles
TERRAIN: flat to rolling with a few climbs; possible gravel option
HIGHLIGHTS: a late season ride in 50-degree temps, optional stop at the Apple Valley Bakery
LEADER: Jim Merrick, hjmerrick@gmail.com
LINK TO ROUTE MAP: https://ridewithgps.com/ routes/49042952