Thursday, November 5, 2020

Turning Another Leaf

After a string of chilly rides in October it is a welcome treat to have temperatures climb up into the 60s again, and we'll gladly take advantage of it this Sunday in Belgrade Lakes. We are regrettably beginning to see a surge of COVID cases in the state, so be extra cautious, bring masks and use them when near others, keep up with distancing, and stay home if you have a temperature or other symptoms. We may not see too many more days for riding than those predicted for the weekend, so we hope to see you Sunday!

November 8th, Sunday:  BELGRADE LAKES

"Take It or Leaf It" - a tour around Great Pond through Belgrade, Rome, and Mount Vernon.
START:  10:00 A.M., at the Belgrade Community Center on Rt. 27, a half mile south of the Village of Belgrade Lakes, on the right (northbound) just past the Great Pond Marina.  Park in the community center parking lot nearest the street (just as you turn in).
DISTANCE:  28 miles.
TERRAIN:  rolling to "moderately" hilly (translation: there are hills on this ride).
HIGHLIGHTS:  post-peak foliage views of the Belgrade Lakes, some roller coaster hills, Castle Island, Blueberry Hill, and a possible stop at Hello Good Pie in Belgrade Lakes.
LEADER:  Jim Merrick,, 293-3784.

For more information on the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club, contact Jim at 293-3784,, find us on Facebook, or check out our blog at

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