Monday, July 1, 2024

Independence Depends

Here are a few updates for the KVBC ride Saturday in Sidney.  One of the parking lots at the school is currently torn up, so please park in the lot at the south end of the school.  The south end of Middle Road (called Bog Road) in North Augusta is also undergoing construction with approx. one mile of rough gravel, so note below a new link to an alternate paved route for those who wish to avoid the gravel section.  The distances for both routes are the same, and the remaining roads are in fine shape.  See you Saturday!

Saturday, July 6, SIDNEY:

"Independence by Bike" - the traditional KVBC 4th of July tour through Sidney, Augusta and Waterville.
START:  9:00 AM at the James H. Bean Elementary School on Middle Road in Sidney. Please park in the lot at the south end of the school.
Directions to the Bean School:
From south: I-95 North exit #120. Turn right at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.
From the north: I-95 South exit #120. Turn left at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.

DISTANCE:  16 or 29 Miles.
TERRAIN:  moderate with a few hills.
HIGHLIGHTS:  some fine back roads and Kennebec River views, and some Fourth of July paraphernalia, most likely.
LEADER:  Jim Merrick,, 293-3784.
LINK TO RIDE MAP (includes approx. 1 mile of road construction gravel):
LINK TO ALTERNATE ROUTE MAP (bypassing construction, no gravel):

For more information on the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club, contact Jim Merrick at, check out our blog, Posted Roads at, or follow us on Facebook. Memberships in the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club provide funds for our club insurance, enabling us to hold rides and events. Membership funds also ensure our club memberships supporting the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and the League of American Bicyclists.  Membership forms can be obtained at most club rides, and also online on our club blog:  If you have difficulty accessing the forms, please contact Jim Merrick (email above) or Brian Bowker,, or Denise Crowell, Thank you!

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