Sunday, July 28, 2024

Lakes and Loops

We had a great Summer day for our ride in Turner on Saturday, perfect for taking on Streaked Mountain. The return route also took us on some roads little traveled by the club, winding through the towns of Hebron and Minot.  Many thanks to Fritz for another great ride!  This week we will return to Smithfield for one of our long-established KVBC rides, this time with a new starting location.  Hope you can join us!

Saturday, August 3 - SMITHFIELD 
"Looping the Lakes" - a scenic tour through Smithfield, Belgrade, Rome, and Mercer.
START: 9:00 AM, at Home, Hope & Healing, 189 Village Road, Smithfield, near the junction of Rt. 8 and Rt. 225 (just up the road from Tri-Pond Variety)
DISTANCES: approx. 10, 17 or 30 miles. 
TERRAIN: moderate to moderately hilly.
HIGHLIGHTS: many scenic lake views, summer camps, and a possible stop at the Ice Cream Place in Smithfield.
LEADER: Larry Childs,

For more information on the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club, contact Jim Merrick at 293-3784,, or check out our club blog, "Posted Roads" at, or keep up to date via our Facebook page.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

August Is Upon Us

Here is the KVBC ride line-up for August! Hope you can get out and ride with us! 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Mountain in Buckfield

We had gorgeous weather for our ride from Liberty to Palermo, Appleton and Searsmont on Saturday.  The route was very rural and hilly and featured some spectacular scenery especially up on Appleton Ridge.  Many thanks to Paul for leading!  Last Saturday's ride was hilly, but this Saturday will be mountainous as we will venture up & over Streaked Mountain in Buckfield, followed by a stop at the Nezinscot Farm Store in Turner.  Hope you can join us as we close out the month of July!

Saturday, July 27 - TURNER
"Streaking Up Streaked Mountain" - an uplifting tour from Turner to Buckfield, South Paris, Hebron, and Minot
START: 9:00 am at the Turner Elementary School at Mathews Way off Rt. 117
DISTANCE: 40 or 25 miles (the shorter route includes the mountain, but is out and back).
TERRAIN: Mountain!
HIGHLIGHTS: Streaked Mountain! Post-ride stop at the Nezinscot Farm Store!
LEADER: Fritz Onion,


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Once More Beyond the Pale

We had a great turnout for our KVBC ride Saturday in Oakland, despite the forecast and the hour delayed start.  The predicted rain and storms did not materialize, and while it was hot and humid we had mostly clear skies which had us seeking shade wherever possible. The ice cream stop at the end was definitely popular.  Many thanks to Tammy for leading and for all who turned out!  This Saturday we will head out to Liberty to tour Palermo and vicinity, including an optional climb up Appleton Ridge.  See you Saturday!

Saturday, July 20 - LIBERTY
"Palermo, Beyond the Pale" - an adventurous ride through Liberty, Palermo, Appleton and Searsmont.
START: 9:00 am at the parking lot of ReVision Energy on Rt. 3 in Liberty, about a half mile east of the junction of Rt.s 3 & 220 (about 1.5 miles past the entrance to Liberty State Park). ReVision Energy is on the left, east-bound.
DISTANCE: 31 or 34 miles.
TERRAIN: rolling to hilly; the Appleton Ridge option is partially unpaved.
HIGHLIGHTS: exceptional rural back roads and small hamlets, including the option of traversing Appleton Ridge with its spectacular vistas.
LEADER: Paul Mitnik,

LINK to ROUTE MAP with Appleton Ridge Option: 

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Dish or A Cone?

We had a great turnout for the KVBC Independence Ride from Sidney last Sunday.  It was a bit hot and humid, and we had some road construction to contend with, but that didn't seem to slow down the group setting a fast pace!  This week's ride will feature another great ride with an optional ice cream stop in Oakland, should the summer heat carry through to next Saturday. Hope you can join us!

Saturday, July 13 - OAKLAND
"A Cone or a Dish" - a rewarding tour around Oakland, Norridgewock, New Sharon, and Smithfield.
START: 9:00 am at the parking lot of the Atwood Elementary School at 19 Heath Street in Oakland.
DISTANCE: about 38.5 miles or 40 miles with ice cream stop option
TERRAIN: moderate with some hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: fine back roads with lakeside views and a potential ice cream stop with many options.
LEADER: Tammy Jones,
Ride with a trip to the Ice Cream Place:
Ride without the Ice Cream Stop:


Thursday, July 4, 2024

And Depends - Another Update - Saturday's Ride Switched to SUNDAY

Due to the updated forecast for rain on Saturday the KVBC ride has been rescheduled for Sunday, July 7.  Hope to see you Sunday!

Sunday, July 7, SIDNEY:
"Independence by Bike" - the traditional KVBC 4th of July tour through Sidney, Augusta and Waterville.
START:  9:00 AM at the James H. Bean Elementary School on Middle Road in Sidney. Please park in the lot at the south end of the school.
Directions to the Bean School:
From south: I-95 North exit #120. Turn right at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.
From the north: I-95 South exit #120. Turn left at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.
DISTANCE:  16 or 29 Miles.
TERRAIN:  moderate with a few hills.
HIGHLIGHTS:  some fine back roads and Kennebec River views, and some Fourth of July paraphernalia, most likely.
LEADER:  Jim Merrick,, 293-3784.
LINK TO RIDE MAP (includes approx. 1 mile of road construction gravel):
LINK TO ALTERNATE ROUTE MAP (bypassing construction, no gravel):

For more information on the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club, contact Jim Merrick at, check out our blog, Posted Roads at, or follow us on Facebook. Memberships in the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club provide funds for our club insurance, enabling us to hold rides and events. Membership funds also ensure our club memberships supporting the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and the League of American Bicyclists.  Membership forms can be obtained at most club rides, and also online on our club blog:  If you have difficulty accessing the forms, please contact Jim Merrick (email above) or Brian Bowker,, or Denise Crowell, Thank you!


Monday, July 1, 2024

Independence Depends

Here are a few updates for the KVBC ride Saturday in Sidney.  One of the parking lots at the school is currently torn up, so please park in the lot at the south end of the school.  The south end of Middle Road (called Bog Road) in North Augusta is also undergoing construction with approx. one mile of rough gravel, so note below a new link to an alternate paved route for those who wish to avoid the gravel section.  The distances for both routes are the same, and the remaining roads are in fine shape.  See you Saturday!

Saturday, July 6, SIDNEY:

"Independence by Bike" - the traditional KVBC 4th of July tour through Sidney, Augusta and Waterville.
START:  9:00 AM at the James H. Bean Elementary School on Middle Road in Sidney. Please park in the lot at the south end of the school.
Directions to the Bean School:
From south: I-95 North exit #120. Turn right at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.
From the north: I-95 South exit #120. Turn left at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.

DISTANCE:  16 or 29 Miles.
TERRAIN:  moderate with a few hills.
HIGHLIGHTS:  some fine back roads and Kennebec River views, and some Fourth of July paraphernalia, most likely.
LEADER:  Jim Merrick,, 293-3784.
LINK TO RIDE MAP (includes approx. 1 mile of road construction gravel):
LINK TO ALTERNATE ROUTE MAP (bypassing construction, no gravel):

For more information on the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club, contact Jim Merrick at, check out our blog, Posted Roads at, or follow us on Facebook. Memberships in the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club provide funds for our club insurance, enabling us to hold rides and events. Membership funds also ensure our club memberships supporting the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and the League of American Bicyclists.  Membership forms can be obtained at most club rides, and also online on our club blog:  If you have difficulty accessing the forms, please contact Jim Merrick (email above) or Brian Bowker,, or Denise Crowell, Thank you!

KVBC July Rides

Here is the KVBC ride line up for July!  Some great rides ahead!