HiFolks! We will have our annual KVBC Ride Planning Meeting
this Saturday, January 23, at 11 am, at the offices of Lipman & Katz
(thank you, David Lipman!) at 227 Water Street in Augusta. A
scientifically-conducted opinion poll of our members with opinions
revealed that Saturday was preferable if the Patriots were still
playing, and that an earlier time in the day would work best. Hey,
we're flexible. There is some on-street parking on Water Street, and a
public parking lot not far away as you come off the circle; the number
at the office is 207-622-3711.
We'll meet at 11 am and order pizza for lunch. We'll also put together
a ride schedule and discuss some potential special events, possible
overnight trips, a club jersey, and any other business. If you are
unable to make the meeting Saturday, but you have a ride you'd like to
lead, please let me know so I can fit it into the schedule. We have
some extra leeway this year, as the Bicycle Coalition of Maine is
phasing out their print calendar, so we don't have to meet their early
publication deadline as in years past. If you have any questions or
concerns or ideas regarding the Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club, the
meeting in January is a good time to sound them out. I can also bring
them up if you can't make the meeting. Hope to see you Saturday!
Jim Merrick207-293-3784