"Velo Vassalboro" - a scenic tour around the China Lake region
START: 9:00am at the home of David and Laura Lipman. Condo is after Natanis Golf Course on ARROWHEAD DRIVE off of Webber Pond Road heading north. (Not to be confused with Fairway Drive. Use Barrows Road on your GPS and we are the next road on the left after that.) Please park at the end of the road, beyond the garages in the large dirt parking lot after the condo buildings.
DISTANCE: approx. 33 miles
TERRAIN: Moderate to Hilly
Views of China Lake and Webber Pond, gentleman farms and country homes
along the Neck Road. Stay afterwards for a light lunch and to socialize
with fellow bikers. Please RVSP to laura.lipman@roadrunner.com
LEADER: David Lipman, dlipman@lipmankatz.com
LINK TO RIDE MAP: https://ridewithgps.com/