Round and About in Vassalboro |
short of dismal to cancel a ride on Memorial Day weekend due to nasty
weather. And a great ride, too. Bummer. Our thanks and sympathies to
Leanne for putting the ride together, only to have it called off - maybe
we can reschedule it later this summer on an open date. Hopefully the
sun will come out, things will dry out a bit, and we'll meet in
Vassalboro on Saturday to kick off the rides for the month of June. The
Lipmans have arranged for a post-ride gathering, much appreciated - and
they'd appreciate RSVPs so they can get a head count. If the sun will
RSVP we'll be in great shape! See you Saturday!
Saturday, June 1st - VASSALBORO
"Velo Vassalboro" - a scenic tour around the China Lake region
Start: 9:00 am at the home of David and Laura Lipman. Condo is after Natanis Golf Course on Fairway View Drive heading north. (Not to be confused with Fairway Drive. Use Barrows Road on your GPS and we are the next road on the left after that) Please park after the garages in the large dirt parking lot after the condo buildings.
Distance: 28 miles
Terrain: Moderate to Hilly
Highlights: Views of China Lake and Webber Pond, gentleman farms and country homes along the Neck Road. Stay afterwards for lunch and to socialize with fellow bikers. Please RVSP so we can get an idea of how many will be staying for lunch.
Leader: David Lipman.
Saturday, June 1st - VASSALBORO
"Velo Vassalboro" - a scenic tour around the China Lake region
Start: 9:00 am at the home of David and Laura Lipman. Condo is after Natanis Golf Course on Fairway View Drive heading north. (Not to be confused with Fairway Drive. Use Barrows Road on your GPS and we are the next road on the left after that) Please park after the garages in the large dirt parking lot after the condo buildings.
Distance: 28 miles
Terrain: Moderate to Hilly
Highlights: Views of China Lake and Webber Pond, gentleman farms and country homes along the Neck Road. Stay afterwards for lunch and to socialize with fellow bikers. Please RVSP so we can get an idea of how many will be staying for lunch.
Leader: David Lipman.