Sunday, September 15, 2024

Back in Whitefield

We had splendid weather for a great ride in Wayne on Sunday.  Lots of scenic overlooks, river views, vast fields of corn, and for the more adventurous, some interesting gravel roads off the beaten path.  All topped off by a stop at Tubby's Ice Cream at the ride's end.  Many thanks again to Fritz and Susan for leading and sweeping the ride!  Please join us this Saturday on the last day of summer as we welcome the arrival of Fall on our tour around Whitefield and vicinity.  See you then!

Saturday, September 21 - WHITEFIELD
"Whitefield Backroads" - a rural tour through the rolling hills and farms of Whitefield, Windsor, Somerville and Coopers Mills.
START: 9:00 am, at the Whitefield Elementary School, 164 Grand Army Road, Rt. 126
DISTANCE: about 28 miles.
TERRAIN: rolling hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: lots of scenic rural roads around the Sheepscot River Valley, possible sightings of local Amish families out at work, and a stop at the Sheepscot General Store.
LEADER: Jim Merrick,


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